
High School Social Groups

What do you all think about Murray's description of the types of groups that exist in American high schools? Those of you who have gone to high school in the U.S.: Was your high school like this? Those of you who went to high school in Japan: What kinds of groups are there in Japanese high schools? How are they formed? Write your comments here, in English or Japanese.

Oh, and if you want to see some comedy about high school life, click here. (I think it's funny at least!)

53 件のコメント:

timo さんのコメント...


Ayumi さんのコメント...

I agree with timo-san.
I went to high school in Japan, and there were several groups, but each of them were pretty indefferent to each other.
Rather, unlike American high school students, students in my school were struggleing not to be put out of the group they belonged.

Sayoko さんのコメント...

I also agree with Timo. In my high school in Japan, we have several groups as Ayumi said, but we talk to everybody. In my school, we don't have territory things like lunch time in America.
Moreover, since we have school uniform, we don't judge by clothes.
I think those are differences between American and Japanese school have.

Taesan さんのコメント...

Actually, i went to high school in Korea. And there is two group in my high school. First group was formed by students who are not interested in school life and study, and second group was formed by students who are interested in shool life and study. Two group did not like each other. And reason of that first group did not like second group was kinds of jealousy. Even though first group can not adapt at school, Second group are adapted school very well, and teacher liked them very much.

匿名 さんのコメント...
A さんのコメント...

Very funny comedy!

Chris Krubeck さんのコメント...

I think naturally social groups are going to arise from similar types of people, but I don't think it's anywhere near the extent or segregation of the article. The biggest divide of groups I noticed were probably the AP/Academic types and the slacker/not studious types.


Dan Reynolds さんのコメント...

My school layout encouraged segregation because we had an open campus (which means we did not have to be in a classroom all the time, if we had a free period we could roam about the school or go outside to a restaurant or something) and because of this we naturally formed cliques based on the places we could hang-out. The musicians and 'band-geeks' had an instrument locker room where they could hang out, the gothics had found a secluded part of the cafeteria to hang out, theater kids would hang out near the auditorium, and so on and so forth.

However, while this enhanced the geographical segregation, it also made it easier for some kids to travel between groups depending on their general acceptability in the target group.

I hung out with the band kids and the theater kids and at the computer lab with the computer geeks, etc.

Though, these weren't groups based on social exclusivity but rather groups based on skill exclusivity. Because I could speak the in-group language for all these different cliques, I was mutually accepted.

Wen さんのコメント...


匿名 さんのコメント...


匿名 さんのコメント...


MICA さんのコメント...


Rae さんのコメント...

I went to a high school in America, and there really were some groups who disliked other groups and therefore shunned one another. However, my school was not as extreme as Murray's description.There were probably more "drifters" than people who stuck to one group. I ate lunch with about ten people, including people from different groups and even from different grades. We could tell who was in which group just by looking, but it didn't bother us.

ジナ さんのコメント...
ジナ さんのコメント...
yumi さんのコメント...


Takashi さんのコメント...


mickey さんのコメント...




pochiko さんのコメント...
Kei さんのコメント...


Blaubeere さんのコメント...


mayu さんのコメント...

I went to a girls school in Japan. It was a strict school, so we had lots of rules. The teachers looked after their students carefully. From the text, there were lots of group names, but in my school, there were none. It doesn't mean we didn't have groups, but we didn't say anything about other gorups. If there was a bully, it was to individuals. And there was no fighting between groups either.

kin さんのコメント...


Unknown さんのコメント...


If there had been some "groups" in my school, it was the groups of people who were in the same club, which is almost the same as what Takashi said.
It might be because club members are those who spent most of the time with except during the class, and who had the same interests.
However, I'm not trying to say that
I wasn't good friends with other people. Rather, I talked a lot with those who are not in the same club near my seat during the class and sometimes duing the break.
This might be different from other schools because the school I went to was private girls' school which has almost no rule.

Mayumi さんのコメント...


Miki さんのコメント...


匿名 さんのコメント...


W.S さんのコメント...

In Korea in my school there is no named group but there are two groups. One group is good at study and another is do not want to study but play a lot.

匿名 さんのコメント...

Actually, in my high school, groups didn’t matter that much for us. Of course, there where groups but it didnt effect our daily lives as much as America. Groups were just people who get along with each other.

chaco さんのコメント...


erina さんのコメント...
erina さんのコメント...
erina さんのコメント...

I was very surprised by the fact that there are many groups in American high schools. My high school was in England and I cannot say much about schools in Japan but I think there are fewer groups in Japanese high schools. There were three or four groups in my high school but all the groups were friendly to each other. It was interesting to find out about characteristics of each groups and I wonder which group I would be belonging to if I was in U.S.

Taka さんのコメント...


yusuke さんのコメント...

I went to both Japanese and American high school. From my own experience, I mostly agree with murray's despcription of American students. It seemed to me that American students care more about which group to belong to than Japanese students. For example, as Murray said, American students always sit at exactly the same table in the same group at a cafeteria, even though nobody tells them to do so. On the other hand, Japanese students are more flexible about with whom to hang out with. Moreover, unlike American, the behavior of Japanese students grouping is nothing to do with their care about heir own status.

non さんのコメント...


non さんのコメント...
tatsuya さんのコメント...


ken さんのコメント...

I went to an all boys school in Japan, and feel that it is completely different from high schools in the US. Though there are groups, there is no rank between them. Also, the groups tend to be made from people who had the same hobbies and interests. Another big difference was that people at my school were always trying to make new friends outside their groups.

匿名 さんのコメント...

I went to Japaneses high school for 2 years and American high school for a year.
The biggest difference about American and Japanese high school is wheather if there is a homeroom class or not. In Japan, we have homeroom class so kids make up groups inside their homeroom. So they can stay in their class room with their friends when they don't have classes, beucase usually kids in the same homeroom take all the required classes together. I think friends in club and frineds in homeroom are different.
My high school in America was kind of like Murray's description. There are some kids who are close to some grops(and I was one of them), but usually they're devided by their races, clubs, and hobbys and didn't talk to eachother.

honey さんのコメント...


竜平 さんのコメント...


Dan Reynolds さんのコメント...

I suppose what bothers me most about Murray Milner is his adamance in analyzing status as it relates to a commodity driven society.

I feel that his emphasis on status and its link to everything is a bit tenuous in his argument.

Milner's approach is completely forgetting that adolescence is probably THE definitive existential phase in human development.

Teenagers are drowning in their own attempt to understand who they are and what their place in the world is. Because of this, teenage angst is often centered around high moments of identity and individualism.

How can a teenager not just separate themselves from others, but rather DEFINE themselves in the context of their school-based mini-society.

The problem with this situation is that teenagers don't look within themselves for this definition, but to others. The brain isn't completely molded and looks outside of itself to learn more about itself: To peer groups and media imagery and so forth. This manner of self-definition creates a derived identity that is the core of the 'I'm different but same' dilemma that plagues teenagers.

It's a continuous process and really a dangerous period in the life of an adolescent.

Harukichi626 さんのコメント...

my high school was very big and actually overcrowded, however most everyone was in some kind of group. also there was very little racial difference so if you werent white you were automatically in a "group". you had all the people who really liked school, those who didnt, those who were into something and other random stuff like that would separate people. and we did actually have the whole table sitting designation thing too. every year, the table would change but you never mixed the people. kindof funny now that i think about it.

Tofu33 さんのコメント...

Cliques always exist in high school as well as elsewhere. However in college cliques become less rigid as in high school since you encounter more people and have classes where you meet more people with different interests.

Sayo:D さんのコメント...


ルーシー さんのコメント...


Dan Reynolds さんのコメント...


"...every year, the table would change but you never mixed the people."

Same with my school, actually--I wonder if that kind of thing is frequent.

However, at Boulder High, there was a Student Activity Center which was basically a lowered section of the cafeteria. In this area the same students would often congregate (usually the goth/alternative kids).

Natalie さんのコメント...

While there were the peer groups based on "ranks", the ones that affected me the most were based on race (in Freshman year, at least). Of course, people of different ethnicities mostly got along well together, but there were times where racial tension became the reasaon why people couldn't/didn't hang out with eachother. Within the groups, it even got to the point to where you were outcasted for not behaving like the kids of your same race.

Other than that, I mostly saw distinctions between people who listened to different kinds of music: rap, metal, punk/emo, country, etc.

Luke さんのコメント...

Milner's book is a desperately dry paper full of puzzling generalizations and simplistic conclusions. It seems he is not talking about people, but rather statistics of computer programs gone awry. Perhaps he was another miserable grad student grabbing at books to fill up his thesis. The division, consumerism and social rituals Milner speaks of continue throughout a human's life. The complexity of getting on with others, never mind oneself, is so vast. Race, gender, class, language, somatics, and other, i'm sure, incalculable factors affected my social life as a teenager. And my view was just one ego out of hundreds. I am more interested in how the real estate values of a school's district factors into how much money a school gets. Clearly this is not fair. Beyond that, we can contemplate how a society values building up its military over empowering the younger generation to communicate with the global community. end of rant.

ジナ さんのコメント...

Wherever you go you will always find this 'grouping.' There is a reason for why a saying “bird of a feather flock together” exists. People with similar character/interest/etc tend to group together because they are most comfortable in their group.

In my school, not as obvious but certainly, groups did exist. Dan R went to same school as mine, and beside existence of the geographical segregation he described, segregation was easily found in our cafeteria.

A-chan さんのコメント...

Finally my computer has got repaired! I know it's really late to write a comment here now. But please forgive me and I hope someone will read this someday!!

I watched the comedy video which Vicky recommended on this page. It was very funny and for me, it was much easier than murray’s despcription to understand the situation of American high school:)

High school groups, I agree with murray's despcription of American students. I thought that Japanese junior high school is more similar to the murray’s description. I went to the average level of Japanese public high school and Junior high school. My high school had many groups, but in my junior high school had separated by groups more strongly. I remember that, in my school, many students were judging their classmates by their looks or sports ability.

Sangeun さんのコメント...

For some reason in the United States there are a lot of different groups in high school. In my experience the groups usually did not mix. It was kind of mean and everyone wanted to fit in. However, I feel like it does get better in college. There tends to be more diversity.