I saw the Hollywood version for the first time and liked it because Richard Gere is one of my favorite handsome actors. Haha!
I didn't notice the difference between the original one and the Hollywood one well. Or I can say I DIDN'T CARE about the differences between them. That's because we Japanese know there are so many differences between Japanese people and American people. Therefore, we have learned not to feel new about the differences and take it for granted.
"Shall we dance" the American version was beautiful, as we don't see much of that world since the 1950's.
Dancing in our culture and age-group now usually means flailing about or jumping up and down, or rubbing your body against someone to a repetitive beat in a strobe-lit room. Blech.
I love watching the old black and white movies that capture the elegance and mystery of the waltz, the danger and smokey flavor of the tango, and the energy and youthfulness of mo-town or swing.
I think dance is like its own language that speaks about a culture and a time period. It captures it like a well framed photograph.
アメリカの"Shall We Dance"と日本の"は、一番顕著違いことは結婚生活と思います。アメリカの夫婦はよく”愛してる”のような会話がある。でも、そんな会話は日本の夫婦の中でじァないんです。日本の丈夫は奥さんとあまり話します。 I believe the biggest difference between the American and Japanese versio of "Shall We Dance" is the marriage life. The American couple is more expressive and not afraid to speak of their love. But such conversation don't quite exist in Japanese couple. In fact, the husband don't often speak to the wife.
「Shall We Dance?」という映画のアメリカのバーションをぜんぶ見た事ない。だけど少しだけみれば違う物があるようですね。 日本のメーンキャレクタすぎやまはアメリカと違いはずかしい。 そしてすぎやまのなかある力を見つけるためにダンスを始めた事に対してアメリカのジョンは休むためダンスを始めたようです。
Also, as a film major, I have to protest the blatant remake of (yet another) recent asian film into an american film. And in the process of adapting it to american hollywood conventions it loses a little something of its cultural identity. But oh well, I haven't seen all of the American version but, honestly, I don't plan to.
日本の映画のほうが好きです。キャラクターの感じることをよく分かって面白かった。Anyway,日本の映画とアメリカのは違い物がたくさんあると思います。例えば、日本人とアメリカ人のダンスの知覚は違います。日本人には、(In the 90's, anyway)このダンスは多分タブーなことで、あまりAcceptedじゃありません。それから、日本の映画はドラマをよく感じます。アメリカには、ダンスはタブーじゃないから、アメリカの映画は日本の映画のようなドラマがありません。
Also, I'm personally getting reeeaaally tired of Hollywood taking Japanese movies and making their own version (as if the original ones weren't good enough for American audiences). "Shall We Dance" is a perfect example of losing cultural implications with a remake.
i think the japanese version is better simple based on what the movie is trying to get across to the audience. but they are very different but so are japanese culture and american culture. as for why america decided it needed to rip off a plot idea from japan...the world may never know.but yea, the japanese version was much better.
I can see meny differnces between American and Japanese version. The time rag these two were made somehow influences the mood of the movie, but may be the differences between our ways of thinking or culture make these two movies doffernet, I guess. Personally, I think the dance scenes show an interesting difference. American version has more sexually stimulating descriptions.
アメリカ版の"Shall we ダンス?"は日本版よりみじかいです。アメリカ版もおもしろかったけれど、日本の版は日本の文化をあらわしてからもっと面白かったと思う!なぜJohn(リチャードギア)の息子のやくめがわからないんです。杉山さんはまいさんにひとめぼれしました。でも、恋愛かんじょうはなかったと思う!
I felt as though the major differences in the movie was where the focus of the relationship was. In the Japanese version, it seemed more like there was a focus on the teacher and the student over the relationship of the the wife and the husband which was more important in the American version. I think that Americans might get confused in thinking that in the Japanese version that it is wrong to feel attachment to the teacher when he is married... but I don't really think its the same thing as what would be considered an 'affair' in America.
I think the American version did a good job adjusting the characters to American culture... It would have seemed awkward to Americans if the characters were so quiet and reserved. However, I do think the movie loses some of its point when you take away the reservation. There's less of a contrast between the expression in dancing and society in the American version.
Like mickey said, there are so many differences between Japanese and American culture, we take it for granted when we see movies like this. The American version, despite the famous actors, didn't do so well in American box offices. Personally, I enjoyed the Japanese version a lot more than the American one... some things are just lost in translation.
I love the Japanese version. I think the main lady was so classy and timeless. I wish I could dance like that. I think it also did a better job of showing the beauty of dance.
It was really interesting to see the difference between the two cultures after watching both films. The most obvious is the public display of affection between husband and wife.
The postings with the links have been archived! Look at the Blog Archive below, and click on September to see the Colorado students' blogs, and on October to see the Waseda students' blogs.
19 件のコメント:
I saw the Hollywood version for the first time and liked it because Richard Gere is one of my favorite handsome actors. Haha!
I didn't notice the difference between the original one and the Hollywood one well. Or I can say I DIDN'T CARE about the differences between them. That's because we Japanese know there are so many differences between Japanese people and American people. Therefore, we have learned not to feel new about the differences and take it for granted.
日本のShall We ダンスの方がいいと思ういます。アメリカの映画のダイオラグはちょっとおかしい。しかも、アメリカの文化には話が変だからたくさん違いがあります。日本の映画はたくさん日本文化をよくみせます。アメリカの映画は違うすぎます。
踊りについては、日本はアメリカに比べて極めて違うので、アメリカ版の「Shall We Dance」はとてもおかしいと思います。日本とアメリカには多くの違いがあることを知っているのに、私は日本語と日本文化を勉強しているからその違いを気づきます。
"Shall we dance" the American version was beautiful, as we don't see much of that world since the 1950's.
Dancing in our culture and age-group now usually means flailing about or jumping up and down, or rubbing your body against someone to a repetitive beat in a strobe-lit room. Blech.
I love watching the old black and white movies that capture the elegance and mystery of the waltz, the danger and smokey flavor of the tango, and the energy and youthfulness of mo-town or swing.
I think dance is like its own language that speaks about a culture and a time period. It captures it like a well framed photograph.
アメリカの"Shall We Dance"と日本の"は、一番顕著違いことは結婚生活と思います。アメリカの夫婦はよく”愛してる”のような会話がある。でも、そんな会話は日本の夫婦の中でじァないんです。日本の丈夫は奥さんとあまり話します。
I believe the biggest difference between the American and Japanese versio of "Shall We Dance" is the marriage life. The American couple is more expressive and not afraid to speak of their love. But such conversation don't quite exist in Japanese couple. In fact, the husband don't often speak to the wife.
「Shall We Dance?」という映画のアメリカのバーションをぜんぶ見た事ない。だけど少しだけみれば違う物があるようですね。 日本のメーンキャレクタすぎやまはアメリカと違いはずかしい。 そしてすぎやまのなかある力を見つけるためにダンスを始めた事に対してアメリカのジョンは休むためダンスを始めたようです。
Also, as a film major, I have to protest the blatant remake of (yet another) recent asian film into an american film. And in the process of adapting it to american hollywood conventions it loses a little something of its cultural identity. But oh well, I haven't seen all of the American version but, honestly, I don't plan to.
日本の映画のほうが好きです。キャラクターの感じることをよく分かって面白かった。Anyway,日本の映画とアメリカのは違い物がたくさんあると思います。例えば、日本人とアメリカ人のダンスの知覚は違います。日本人には、(In the 90's, anyway)このダンスは多分タブーなことで、あまりAcceptedじゃありません。それから、日本の映画はドラマをよく感じます。アメリカには、ダンスはタブーじゃないから、アメリカの映画は日本の映画のようなドラマがありません。
Also, I'm personally getting reeeaaally tired of Hollywood taking Japanese movies and making their own version (as if the original ones weren't good enough for American audiences). "Shall We Dance" is a perfect example of losing cultural implications with a remake.
i think the japanese version is better simple based on what the movie is trying to get across to the audience. but they are very different but so are japanese culture and american culture. as for why america decided it needed to rip off a plot idea from japan...the world may never know.but yea, the japanese version was much better.
I can see meny differnces between American and Japanese version. The time rag these two were made somehow influences the mood of the movie, but may be the differences between our ways of thinking or culture make these two movies doffernet, I guess. Personally, I think the dance scenes show an interesting difference. American version has more sexually stimulating descriptions.
アメリカ版の"Shall we ダンス?"は日本版よりみじかいです。アメリカ版もおもしろかったけれど、日本の版は日本の文化をあらわしてからもっと面白かったと思う!なぜJohn(リチャードギア)の息子のやくめがわからないんです。杉山さんはまいさんにひとめぼれしました。でも、恋愛かんじょうはなかったと思う!
私はアメリカのを 始から終わりまで見たことがありありせんけど、
日本の"Shall we ダンス"はとてもチャーミングです、けどアメリカの版が魂じゃない。同じ冗談を話しますはとてもできない相談だ。違う文化が違うスタイルになった。
Also, Jennifer Lopez couldn't act her way out of a wet paper bag... with holes in it.
I felt as though the major differences in the movie was where the focus of the relationship was. In the Japanese version, it seemed more like there was a focus on the teacher and the student over the relationship of the the wife and the husband which was more important in the American version. I think that Americans might get confused in thinking that in the Japanese version that it is wrong to feel attachment to the teacher when he is married... but I don't really think its the same thing as what would be considered an 'affair' in America.
I think the American version did a good job adjusting the characters to American culture... It would have seemed awkward to Americans if the characters were so quiet and reserved. However, I do think the movie loses some of its point when you take away the reservation. There's less of a contrast between the expression in dancing and society in the American version.
日本版のshall we danceとアメリカ版のshall we danceは雰囲気からして違うように感じました。
Like mickey said, there are so many differences between Japanese and American culture, we take it for granted when we see movies like this. The American version, despite the famous actors, didn't do so well in American box offices. Personally, I enjoyed the Japanese version a lot more than the American one... some things are just lost in translation.
I love the Japanese version. I think the main lady was so classy and timeless. I wish I could dance like that. I think it also did a better job of showing the beauty of dance.
It was really interesting to see the difference between the two cultures after watching both films. The most obvious is the public display of affection between husband and wife.