


45 件のコメント:

Dan Reynolds さんのコメント...

For me, Halloween is a true children's holiday. Of course it can be a bit horrific depending on how you play it, but there's nothing like Trick'or'Treating your way down the block and visiting haunted houses and going to halloween parties, etc.

I would suggest to the Waseda folks, if they haven't yet seen it, to watch A Charlie Brown Halloween. That's classic American halloween there even though there's a sequence about the great pumpkin, a fictional being that is not part of halloween tradition (but an ironic confusion between halloween and santa claus).

Also, it's like 20 minutes long.

Harukichi626 さんのコメント...

halloween has always been a fun holiday for me simply decause i like dressing up in costume. it gives an excuse to wear weird things and people dont stare at you for it.
plus there was the added bonus of free candy. i trick or treated with friends all the way through senior year of high school, being short has its advantages.

匿名 さんのコメント...
J.D. さんのコメント...


edwinwid さんのコメント...

For some reason, the Japanese language tool doesn't work, so I'll write in English.

We don't have Halloween in Indonesia. For me, Halloween is just another reason to break away from the mundanity of school and party. :-p

I guess the traditional way of enjoying Halloween is to have pumpkin pies (pumpkins are Autumn vegetable), and carve the pumpkin shell into lanterns.

There are various foklores about the origin of Halloween, and it's very hard to find out which one is the authentic one. However, many agree that Halloween is somewhat related to Autumn harvest celebration.


K Ratz さんのコメント...

Halloween is one of the most enjoyable holidays in America. Everybody enjoys the feel of an automn festival with treats and tricks for all. For kids, and for some older folks, Halloween is best enjoyed with trick or treating through a few neighborhoods. Scary movies and pumpkin carving are also staples to be enjoyed. There are also various costume parties to attend and enjoy. Overall Halloween is a fun holiday for anyone who is willing to get into the spirit. 来週にたくさん楽しいがありますつまりです。

A さんのコメント...

So, I'd like to talk about pumpkins. They're my favorite thing about this time of year. There are so many things you can do with them! Around Halloween, Americans will buy large pumpkins, hollow them out inside, and carve faces or pictures into the pumpkins. Then we put candles inside so the face will glow. We put them in front of our houses.
Then you can also save the seeds and bake them- they're quite yummy.

If you don't want to carve the pumpkin, you can use it for more practical purposes, such as making pumpkin pie, pumpkin soup, pumpkin bread, or pumpkin cookies.

If you've never tasted pumpkin, you are missing out! ^_^

caldwelr さんのコメント...


Chris Krubeck さんのコメント...

アメリカでは若い人たちがコスチュームを来たりキャンディを食べたりします。 大学生は多分ハロウィン・パーティに行くかもしれない。 僕は7年生からコスチュムをきません。

My Mom HATES Halloween with a passion, with I think in turn turned into me being pretty apathetic towards the holiday. That said, the parties are fun, dorking around (Sorry, not actual English), and just having fun is never a bad thing. But I'm in the camp that there's a cut-off age for trick or treating. As for eating candy, that lasts forever. =p This year it doesn't look like there's too much going on, but I'll see what happens.


キム・パケット さんのコメント...

Halloween is a day I really loved when I was a little kid, but lately I don't have time to celebrate it. I would go buy a costume (at the Halloween stores that open only in October) and go Trick or Treat in my neighborhood. Sometimes the neighborhood parents would dress up in costumes and come with us and drive us around in a wagon full of hay~ ... it was fun~

At night I would come home with big bags full of candy. But I don't really like candy, so I gave my candy to my brother and friends. I just liked collecting candy, not eating it!

I don't trick or treat any more. I just watch Halloween movies. I really like the Charlie Brown Halloween movie, but my favorite Halloween movie is The Nightmare Before Christmas! I love the songs~

This comment is too long...

Natalie さんのコメント...


Nowadays there are indoor parties for people (like us!) who are too old to walk around at night in creepy neighborhoods taking candy from strangers in the darkness. So it's ok.

Colin Haanstad さんのコメント...


ジナ さんのコメント...

I also love trick or treating but I quit after middle school. I love sweet things but candies give me headaches. Fortunately, chocolates don’t give me headaches so I always gave candies to my brother and kept chocolates for myself.
Since high school, I went to my friend’s party during the weekends and enjoyed handing out the treats to little kids on Halloween. But I do not have much plan this year. I feel too lazy this year and I think I will put [Out of Candies, Sorry] sign in front of my door so they will leave me alone~.

ゴンヨン コー さんのコメント...

アメリカのハロウィーンには子ともたちが隣の家に行って、"Trick or Treat" と言います。

Peshaw さんのコメント...


I'm really scared of scary stuff so I would never go to those kinds of things, but my friends love it. x.x

silence さんのコメント...

Halloween is by far one of my favorite holidays. I love to see everyone dressing up in costumes and running around into the late hours of the night. It also gives people a chance to be creative with their costumes which is very cool.
In boulder, we also have a tradition called the "naked pumpkin run". This is when over 50 people get naked, put carved pumpkins over their head and run down pearl street.(an outdoor mall)

Alexa さんのコメント...


Halloween is a fun holiday. I like carving pumpkins. My favorite Halloween movie is the Nightmare Before Christmas.

Tofu33 さんのコメント...

キャンヂイが好きじゃないのでハロウィンは詰まらないです。 しかもただ子供はコスチュームを着ます。

Manda さんのコメント...


tingting さんのコメント...
Suzzie Burke さんのコメント...




When I was little, I couldn't go trick-or-treating, because Holloween comes from an ancient Pagan holy day called Samhain that celebrates death and the lifting of the veil between the living and the dead, and was even thought to have human sacrifices accompaning it. But Americans no longer practice this aspect of Holloween, and it is a day of nation-wide dress-up and candy.

KaraBear さんのコメント...

Halloween is a great time of year. With the changing seasons, beautiful colors, and cooler weather, it's the first start of the holidays for America.

I personally think Halloween is a holiday meant specifically for children; however, adults and teenagers can enjoy it too. For children, they dress up in costumes and go "Trick or Treating" and collect candy. The idea is that, if a house doesn't give the children candy, the'll have a "trick" played on them... most of which aren't very nice.

For adults, Halloween is a social holiday. It's more common for the holiday to be "scary", so friends get together and go to "haunted houses" or watch scary/gory movies. Also, it's fun for everybody to dress up and wear weird clothes without being stared at. Halloween parties are also very popular.


tingting さんのコメント...
tingting さんのコメント...

I was never really into Halloween in the first couples years in America. My parents didn't know much about Halloween, so in the first couple of years when kids from the neighbors knocked on our doors, my parents felt annoyed.

But in middle school, me and my sister began dressing up and go trick-o-treating. I remember that I was Alice from Alice in Wonderland. But I had always been Alice until the very last time I went trick-o-treating. Now I'm way too old to be doing that, and that costume is long gone. But I really miss the time having a basket full of candies and got stomachache the next morning because I ate too much.
(* ̄∇ ̄*)エヘヘ


Dan Reynolds さんのコメント...

ハロウィーンにアメリカの伝統はゲームの「Bobbing for Apples」です。

「Bobbing for Apples」で水のなかにりんごを入れて、手をつかわなくって、口でりんごを掴みます。


Bret さんのコメント...




Bret さんのコメント...
Zach さんのコメント...

Halloween is an interesting holiday to say the least. When your younger you walk around your neighborhood dressed up in costumese and at every house you collect candy. When you get older, american girls dress up in very 'skimpy' outfits (very little clothes) and go out to parties with guys who dress up like famous people or fictional characters. together they go out to parties and bars. everyone who participates regardless of age, either decorates there house or carves a pumpkin so that they can place a candle in it and illuminate there design (sometimes a scary face or pattern).

いつハッォウェエンは赤ちゃんがコスツムを買いてのために夜の”trick or treat"。でも、お女の人はろしゅつどがたかいにはハッォウェエンのパチ。

ブレント さんのコメント...


Orange Blossom さんのコメント...

ハロウィーンは面白い休日です。毎年、子供でcostumeを着りました。家から家までへ行ったとき「trick or treat」と言いました。大人の飴をもらいました。たくさん飴をもらて食べました。



Somnid さんのコメント...


匿名 さんのコメント...


Yosei.Ikeda さんのコメント...

小さいの時ハロウィーンにお菓子がたくさんとりあつめたけど、今若い人がよく酒を飲んだりパーティーします。トリック オア トリートがもうできないよね。

I almost wish I could go trick-or-treating again... get excessive amounts of candy, but doing so is generally frowned upon these days.

Wen さんのコメント...

I usually bake pumpkin cookies or pumpkin cake for haloween and take them to school with a pumpkin shape bucket.
I'm planning to bake a pumpkin cheese cake this year.

timo さんのコメント...

俺は小さい頃母親に連れられてICU(International Christian University)とかASIJ(American School In Japanかな?)の敷地でハロウィンやったなー。コスチューム着て。笑 日本はそういうところでしかやらないからね。今もやってるんかな??

Luke さんのコメント...

dan r.'サンのアドバイスがいい考えです。あのcharlie brownフィルムが見たらたぶnハロウインのこと分かりますと思う。むかし、近所でいっぱい子供がハロウインの夜でコスチウムを着てマスクをしてあまい物をもらうために近所の人のドアをドンドンドンしてTrick or Treat!!はよくやってた。このごろ、こうゆtrick or treatingがすくなくなった感じです。ある親たちがいきたい近所に子供を車でつれて行く。ちょとつまんないですね。

Dan Reynolds さんのコメント...



yumi さんのコメント...


pochiko さんのコメント...
Dan Reynolds さんのコメント...


Children dress-up in costume and Trick-or-Treat. Usually around High School age, they instead go to Halloween parties (which are very popular). After that High School, Trick-or-Treating is quite rare because many people view it as solely a children's activity and aren't as willing to give candy to other adults.

But people of all ages still like to dress up.

chaco さんのコメント...


erina さんのコメント...


Luke さんのコメント...

i heard a dentist in boulder was offering $1 for a pound of candy to any kid who would give up her/his bounty. very creative idea. i'd like to offer that on the mall. trade-in booth. moms are walking their kids into stores on pearl st to trick or treat!! does anyone else think this is another pathetic indicator of community going down the drain?

Yuli さんのコメント...
Sangeun さんのコメント...

Halloween in really fun. As a kid you get to go around and dress up and get candy. Then as you grow older, you still get to dress up, but you usuually go to parties instead of the candy. It's so much fun to see everyone's costume :)